Editor: DriveRestore Professional is an advanced Drive Health Diagnostics, repair and recovery solution for Windows. DriveRestore Professional will repair & restore: corrupt PC drives, corrupt iPods, corrup digital cameras, corrupt removable drives, corrupt virtual drives, etc., with NO loss of data. GUARANTEED!
DriveRestore Professional will Detect and restore deleted partitions and their file data, improve drive performance, eliminate crashes and more.
DriveRestore Professional is the ONLY solution to recover deleted partitions and their lost files. File recovery products will only recover deleted files, they will NOT restore deleted partitions. DriveRestore Professional will restore your deleted partitions in seconds. When the partition is restored, the partition is once again visible to Windows, and all the lost files are immediately available. All this in just a few mouse clicks!
DriveRestore Professional features:
*Diagnose, review and automatically repair drive errors.
* Repair drive problems that are causing crashes and non-responsive systems.
*Repair Windows drives with no loss of data.
*Repair corrupted MFT (corrupted Master File Table).
*Repair corrupted MP3 players, digital cameras, pen drives, digital memory sticks, virtual drives, e.g. VMware, etc.
*Repair corrupted Boot Sectors and corrupted partition tables.
*Maintain optimum drive performance.
*Recover deleted or lost drives and their file data.
*Repair corrupted iPods with no loss of data.
*Automated, or customizable, repair and recovery.
*Advanced Disk Editor.